Cement including types and usage

Cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens and can bind other materials together. 
Cements used in construction can be characterized as being either hydraulic or non-hydraulic, 
depending upon the ability of the cement to be used in the presence of water.Non-hydraulic 
cement will not set in wet conditions or underwater, rather it sets as it dries and reacts with carbon dioxide in the air. It can be attacked by some aggressive chemicals after 
setting.Hydraulic cement is made by replacing some of the cement in a mix with activated 
aluminium silicates, pozzolanas, such as fly ash. The chemical reaction results in hydrates 
that are not very water-soluble and so are quite durable in water and safe from chemical 
attack. This allows setting in wet condition or underwater and further protects the hardened 
material from chemical attack (e.g., Portland cement).
• Cement mortar for Masonry work, plaster and pointing etc. 
• Concrete for laying floors, roofs and constructing lintels,beams,weather-
shed,stairs,pillars etc.
• Construction for important engineering structures such 
asbridge,culverts,dams,tunnels,light house,clocks,etc. 
• Construction of water,wells, tennis courts,septic tanks, lamp posts, telephone cabins
• Making joint for joints,pipes,etc.
• Manufacturing of precast pipes,garden seats, artistically designed wens, flower posts, 
• Preparation of foundation, water tight floors, footpaths, etc. 
Types of Cements
Many types of cements are available in markets with different compositions and for use in 
different environmental conditions and specialized applications. A list of some commonly 
used cement is described in this section:

Ordinary Portland cement
Ordinary Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general use around the 
world. This cement is made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate) with small quantities of 
other materials (such as clay) to 1450°C in a kiln, in a process known as calcination, whereby 
a molecule of carbon dioxide is liberated from the calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide, 
or quicklime, which is then blended with the other materials that have been included in the 
mix. The resulting hard substance, called 'clinker', is then ground with a small amount of 
gypsum into a powder to make 'Ordinary Portland Cement'(often referred to as OPC). 
Portland cement is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and most non-specialty grout. The 
most common use for Portland cement is in the production of concrete. Concrete is a 
composite material consisting of aggregate (gravel and sand), cement, and water. As a 
construction material, concrete can be cast in almost any shape desired, and once hardened, 
can become a structural (load bearing) element. Portland cement may be grey or white.
• This type of cement use in construction when there is no exposure to sulphates in the 
soil or ground water. 
• Lime saturation Factor is limited between i.e. 0.66 to 1.02. 
• Free lime-cause the Cement to be unsound. 
• Percentage of (AL2O3/Fe2O3) is not less than 0.66. 
• Insoluble residue not more than 1.5%. 
• Percentage of SO3 limited by 2.5% when C3A < 7% and not more than 3% when 
C3A >7%.
• Loss of ignition -4%(max)
• Percentage of Mg0-5% (max.)
• Fineness -not less than 2250 cm2
Rapid hardening Portland cement
• It is firmer than Ordinary Portland Cement
• It contains more C3S are less C2S than the ordinary Portland cement. 
• Its 3 days strength is same as 7 days strength of ordinary Portland cement. 
Low heat Portland cement
• Heat generated in ordinary Portland cement at the end of 3days 80 cal/gm. While in 
low heat cement it is about 50cal/gm of cement.
• It has low percentage of C3A and relatively more C2S and less C3S than O.P. 
• Reduce and delay the heat of hydration. British standard ( B S. 1370 : 1974 ) limit the 
heat of hydration of this cement.
Sulphate resisting Portland cement
• Maximum C3A content by 3.5% and minimum fineness by 2500 cm'/g.
• Firmer than ordinary pot land cement.
• Sulphate forms the sulpha-aluminates which have expensive properties and so causes 
disintegration of concrete. 
Sulphate resisting Portland cement
• For this cement, the silage as obtained from blast furnace is used 
• The clinkers of cement are ground with about 60 to 65 percent of slag. 
• Its strength in early days is less and hence it required longer curing period. It proves 
to be economical as slag, which is a Waste product, is used in its manufactures. 
Pozzolanic cement
• As per Indian standard, the proportions of Pozzolana may be 10 to 25 % by weight. 
e.2. Burnt clay, shale, Fly ash. 
• This Cement has higher resistance to chemical agencies and to sea water because of 
absence of lime. 
• It evolves less heat and initial strength is less but final strength is 28 days onward 
equal to ordinary Portland cement. 
• It possesses less resistance to the erosion and weathering action.
• It imparts higher degree of water tightness and it is cheap. 
White Portland cement
• Grey colour of O.P. cement is due to presence of Iron Oxide. Hence in White Cement 
Fe,,O, is limited to 1 %. Sodium Alumina Ferrite (Crinoline) NavAlF6 is added to act 
as flux in the absence of Iron-Oxide. •: 
• It is quick drying, possesses high strength and has superior aesthetic values and it also 
cost lee than ordinary Cement because of specific requirements imposed upon the raw 
materials and the manufacturing process. 
• White Cement are used in Swimming pools, for painting garden furniture, moulding 
sculptures and statues etc.
Coloured Portland
• The Cement of desired colour may be obtained by mixing mineral pigments with 
ordinary Cement. 
• The amount of colouring material may vary from 5 to 10 percent. If this 
percentage exceeds 10percent, the strength of cements is affected. 
• The iron Oxide in different proportions gives brown, red or yellow colour. The 
coloured Cement are widely used for finishing of floors, window sill slabs, stair 
treads etc.
Expansive cement
• This type of cement is produced by adding an expanding medium like 
sulphoaluminate and a stabilising agent to the ordinary cement. 
• The expanding cement is used for the construction of water retaining structures 
and for repairing the damaged concrete surfaces. 
High alumina cement
• This cement is produced by grilling clinkers formed by calcining bauxite and 
lime. It can stand high temper lures. 
• If evolves great heat during setting. It is therefore not affected by frost.
Composition of Cement clinker
The various constituents combine in burning and form cement clinker. The compounds 
formedin the burning process have the properties of setting and hardening in the presence 
ofwater.They are known as Bogue compounds after the name of Bogue who identified them. 
These compounds are as follows: Alite (Tricalcium silicate or C3S), Belite (Dicalcium 
silicate or C2S), Celite (Tricalciumalluminate or C3A) andFelite (Tetracalciumalumino ferrite 
or C4AF). 
Tricalcium silicate
It is supposed to be the best cementing material and is well burnt cement.It is about 25-50% 
(normally about 40 per cent) of cement. It renders the clinker easier to grind,increases 
resistance to freezing and thawing, hydrates rapidly generating high heat and developsan 
early hardness and strength. However, raising of C3S content beyond the specified 
limitsincreases the heat of hydration and solubility of cement in water. The hydrolysis of C3S 
is mainly responsible for 7 day strength and hardness. The rate of hydrolysis of C3S and the 
character of gel developed are the main causes of the hardness and early strength of cement 
paste. The heat of hydration is 500 J/g. 
Dicalcium silicate
It constitutes about 25-40% (normally about 32 per cent) of cement. It hydrates andhardens 
slowly and takes long time to add to the strength (after a year or more). It impartsresistance to 
chemical attack. Rising of C2S content renders clinker harder to grind, reducesearly strength, 
decreases resistance to freezing and thawing at early ages and decreases heat ofhydration. 
The hydrolysis of C2S proceeds slowly. At early ages, less than a month, C2S has little 
influence on strength and hardness. While after one year, its contribution to the strength and 
hardness is proportionately almost equal to C3S. The heat of hydration is 260 J/g. 
It is about 5-11% (normally about 10.5 per cent) of cement. It rapidlyreacts with water and is 
responsible for flash set of finely grounded clinker. The rapidity ofaction is regulated by the 
addition of 2-3% of gypsum at the time of grinding cement. Tricalciumaluminate is 
responsible for the initial set, high heat of hydration and has greater tendency tovolume 
changes causing cracking. Raising the C3A content reduces the setting time, weakens
resistance to sulphate attack and lowers the ultimate strength, heat of hydration and 
contractionduring air hardening. The heat of hydration of 865 J/g. 
Tetracalciumalumino ferrite
It constitutes about 8–14% (normally about 9 per cent) of cement. It isresponsible for flash 
set but generates less heat. It has poorest cementing value. Raising theC4AF content reduces 
the strength slightly. The heat of hydration is 420 J/g. 
Hydration of Cement
In the anhydrous state, four main types of minerals are normally present: alite, belite, 
celiteand felite. Also present are small amounts of clinker sulfate (sulfates of sodium, 
potassium and calcium) and gypsum, which was added when the clinker was ground up to 
produce the familiar grey powder. 
When water is added, the reactions which occur are mostly exothermic, that is, the reactions 
generate heat. We can get an indication of the rate at which the minerals are reacting by 
monitoring the rate at which heat is evolved using a technique called conduction 
calorimetry.Almost immediately on adding water some of the clinker sulphates and gypsum 
dissolve producing an alkaline, sulfate-rich, solution.Soon after mixing, the (C3A) phase (the 
most reactive of the four main clinker minerals) reacts with the water to form an aluminate-
rich gel (Stage I on the heat evolution curve above). The gel reacts with sulfate in solution to 
form small rod-like crystals of ettringite. (C3A) reaction is with water is strongly exothermic 
but does not last long, typically only a few minutes, and is followed by a period of a few 
hours of relatively low heat evolution. This is called the dormant, or induction period (Stage 
II).The first part of the dormant period, up to perhaps half-way through, corresponds to when 
concrete can be placed. As the dormant period progresses, the paste becomes too stiff to be 
workable.At the end of the dormant period, the alite and belite in the cement start to react, 
with the formation of calcium silicate hydrate and calcium hydroxide. This corresponds to the 
main period of hydration (Stage III), during which time concrete strengths increase. The 
individual grains react from the surface inwards, and the anhydrous particles become smaller. 
(C3A) hydration also continues, as fresh crystals become accessible to water.The period of 
maximum heat evolution occurs typically between about 10 and 20 hours after mixing and 
then gradually tails off. In a mix containing OPC only, most of the strength gain has occurred 
within about a month. Where OPC has been partly-replaced by other materials, such as fly 
ash, strength growth may occur more slowly and continue for several months or even a 
year.Ferrite reaction also starts quickly as water is added, but then slows down, probably 
because a layer of iron hydroxide gel forms, coating the ferrite and acting as a barrier, 
preventing further reaction. 
Products of Hydration
During Hydration process several hydrated compounds are formed most important of which 
are, Calcium silicate hydrate, calcium hydroxide and calcium aluminium hydrates which is 
important for strength gain. 
Calcium silicate hydrate:
This is not only the most abundant reaction product, occupying about 50% of the paste 
volume, but it is also responsible for most of the engineering properties of cement paste. It is 
often abbreviated, using cement chemists' notation, to "C-S-H," the dashes indicating that no 
strict ratio of SiO2 to CaO is inferred. C-S-H forms a continuous layer that binds together the 
original cement particles into a cohesive whole which results in its strong bonding capacity. 
The Si/Ca ratio is somewhat variable but typically approximately 0.45-0.50 in hydrated 
Portland cement but up to perhaps about 0.6 if slag or fly ash or microsilica is present, 
depending on the proportions. 
Calcium hydroxide:
The other products of hydration of C3S and C2S are calcium hydroxide. In contrast to theC-
S-H, the calcium hydroxide is a compound with distinctive hexagonal prism morphology. It 
constitutes 20 to 25 per cent of the volume of solids in the hydrated paste. The lack 
ofdurability of concrete is on account of the presence of calcium hydroxide. The calcium 
hydroxide also reacts with sulphates present in soils or water to form calcium sulphate which 
further reacts with C3A and cause deterioration of concrete. This is known as sulphate attack. 
To reduce the quantity of Ca (OH)2 in concrete and to overcome its bad effects by converting 
it into cementitious product is an advancement in concrete technology.The use of 
blendingmaterials such as fly ash, silica fume and such other pozzolanic materials are the 
steps toovercome bad effect of Ca(OH)2 in concrete. However, Ca(OH)2 is alkaline in nature 
due to which it resists corrosion in steel. 
Calcium aluminium hydrates:
These are formed due to hydration of C3A compounds. The hydrated aluminates do 
notcontribute anything to the strengthof concrete. On the other hand, theirpresence is harmful 
to the durabilityof concrete particularly where theconcrete is likely to be attacked 
bysulphates. As it hydrates very fast itmay contribute a little to the earlystrength.
Various tests on cement:
Basically two types of tests are under taken for assessing the quality of cement. These are 
either field test or lab tests. The current section describes these tests in details.
Field test: 
There are four field tests may be carried out to as certain roughly the quality of cement.There 
are four types of field tests to access the colour, physical property, and strength of the cement 
as described below. 
• The colour of cement should be uniform. 
• It should be typical cement colour i.e. grey colour with a light greenish shade. 
Physical properties
• Cement should feel smooth when touched between fingers. 
• If hand is inserted in a bag or heap of cement,it should feel cool. 
Presence of lumps
• Cement should be free from lumps. 
• For a moisture content of about 5 to 8%,this increase of volume may be much as 20 to 
40 %,depending upon the grading of sand. 
• A thick paste of cement with water is made on a piece of thick glass and it is kept 
under water for 24 hours.It should set and not crack. 
Laboratory tests: 
Six laboratory tests are conducted mainly for assessing the quality of cement. These are: 
fineness, compressive strength, consistency, setting time, soundness and tensile strength. 
• This test is carried out to check proper grinding of cement. 
• The fineness of cement particles may be determined either by sieve test or 
permeability apparatus test.
• In sieve test ,the cement weighing 100 gm is taken and it is continuously passed for 
15 minutes through standard BIS sieve no. 9.The residue is then weighed and this 
weight should not be more than 10% of original weight. 
• In permeability apparatus test,specific area of cement particles is calculated.This test 
is better than sieve test.The specific surface acts as a measure of the frequency of 
particles of average size.
Compressive strength
• This test is carried out to determine the compressive strength of cement.
• The mortar of cement and sand is prepared in ratio 1:3. 
• Water is added to mortar in water cement ratio 0.4. 
• The mortar is placed in moulds.The test specimens are in the form of cubes and the 
moulds are of metals.For 70.6 mm and 76 mm cubes ,the cement required is 185gm 
and 235 gm respectively. 
• Then the mortar is compacted in vibrating machine for 2 minutes and the moulds are 
placed in a damp cabin for 24 hours. 
• The specimens are removed from the moulds and they are submerged in clean water 
for curing.
• The cubes are then tested in compression testing machine at the end of 3days and 7 
days. Thus compressive strength was found out. 
• The purpose of this test is to determine the percentage of water required for preparing 
cement pastes for other tests.
• Take 300 gm of cement and add 30 percent by weight or 90 gm of water to it. 
• Mix water and cement thoroughly. 
• Fill the mould of Vicat apparatus and the gauging time should be 3.75 to 4.25 
• Vicat apparatus consists of aneedle is attached a movable rod with an indicator 
attached to it.
• There are three attachments: square needle,plungerand needle with annular collar.
• The plunger is attached to the movable rod.the plunger is gently lowered on the paste 
in the mould. 
• The settlement of plunger is noted.If the penetration is between 5 mm to 7 mm from 
the bottom of mould,the water added is correct.If not process is repeated with 
different percentages of water till the desired penetration is obtained.
Setting time
• This test is used to detect the deterioration of cement due to storage.The test is 
performed to find out initial setting time and final setting time.
• Cement mixed with water and cement paste is filled in the Vicat mould.
• Square needle is attached to moving rod of vicat apparatus. 
• The needle is quickly released and it is allowed to penetrate the cement paste.In the 
beginningthe needle penetrates completely.The procedure is repeated at regular 
intervals till the needle does not penetrate completely.(upto 5mm from bottom) 
• Initial setting time =<30min for ordinary Portland cement and 60 min for low heat 
• The cement paste is prepared as above and it is filled in the Vicat mould.
• The needle with annular collar is attached to the moving rod of the Vicat apparatus. 
• The needle is gently released. The time at which the needle makes an impression on 
test block and the collar fails to do so is noted. 
• Final setting time is the difference between the time at which water was added to 
cement and time as recorded in previous step,and it is =<10hours. 
• The purpose of this test is to detect the presence of uncombined lime in the cement. 
• The cement paste is prepared.
• The mould is placed and it is filled by cement paste.
• It is covered at top by another glass plate.A small weight is placed at top and the 
whole assembly is submerged in water for 24 hours. 
• The distance between the points of indicator is noted.The mould is again placed in 
water and heat is applied in such a way that boiling point of water is reached in about 
30 minutes. The boiling of water is continued for one hour. 
• The mould is removed from water and it is allowed to cool down.
• The distance between the points of indicator is again measured.The difference 
between the two readings indicates the expansion of cement and it should not exceed 
10 mm. 
Tensile strength
• This test was formerly used to have an indirect indication of compressive strength of 
• The mortar of sand and cement is prepared.
• The water is added to the mortar. 
• The mortar is placed in briquette moulds.The mould is filled with mortar and then a 
small heap of mortar is formed at its top.It is beaten down by a standard spatula till 
water appears on the surface.Same procedure is repeated for the other face of 
• The briquettes are kept in a damp for 24 hours and carefully removed from the 
• The briquettes are tested in a testing machine at the end of 3 and 7 days and average is 
found out.
Continue reading

Types Of Foundation and Definition

Types Of Foundation and Definition
The selection of the foundation type for a particular site depends on the following considerations: 

1. Nature of subsoil. 
2. Nature and extent of difficulties
3. Availability of expertise and equipment 

Depending upon their nature and depth, foundations have been categorized as follows: 
(i) Open foundations or shallow foundations 
(ii) Deep foundations 

This is the most common type of foundation and can be laid using open excavation by allowing 
natural slopes on both sides. This type of foundation is practicable for a depth up to 5m and is 
normally convenient above the water table. The base of the structure is enlarged or spread to 
provide individual support. Since spread foundations are constructed in open excavations, 
therefore they are termed as open foundations. The various types of spread footings are: 

1. Wall footings,
2. Isolated footings, 
3. Combined footings, 
4. Inverted arch footings,
5. Continuous footings 
6. Cantilever footing 
7. Grillage footing

1. Wall Footings: These footings can either be simple or stepped. The base course of these 
footings can be concrete or of entirely one material. They have only one projection 
beyond the width of the wall on either side. The width of the concrete base should be at 
least equal to twice the width of the wall. The depth of the concrete bed is at least equal 
to the projection. Generally the projection provided in the footing is 15cm, on either side
and the concrete mix comprises of cement, sand and aggregate in proportion of 1:3:6 or 

2. Isolated or Column Footings: They are used to support individual columns. In case of 
heavy loaded columns, steel reinforcements is provided. Generally, 15cm offset is 
provided on all sides of concrete bed. The footing of concrete columns may be slab, 
stepped or sloped type.

3. Combined Footings: A combined footing supports two or more columns in a row. The 
combined footing can be rectangular in shape if both the columns carry equal loads or 
can be trapezoidal if both the loads are unequal. Generally they are constructed of 
reinforced concrete. The location of the center of the gravity of the column loads and 
centroid of the footing should coincide.

4. Inverted arch footing: This type of footing is used on soft soils to reduce the depth of 
the foundation. Loads above an opening are transmitted from supporting walls through 
inverted arches to the soil. In this type of footings the end columns must bes stable 
enough to resist the outward pressure caused by the arch action.

5. Continuous footings: In this type of footing a single continuous R.C. slab is provided as 
foundation of two or three or more columns in a row. This type of footing is suitable at 
locations liable to earthquake activities. This also prevents differential settlements in 

6. Strap or cantilever footings: Strap footing consists of two or more individual footings 
connected by a beam called strap. This type of footing is used where the distance between
the columns is so great that the trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow with bending 

7. Grillage footings: this type of footings is used to transmit heavy loads from steel 
columns to the soils having low bearing power. This type of arrangements prevents deep 
excavations and provides necessary area at base to reduce the intensity of the pressure.

A raft or mat is a combined footing that covers the entire area beneath a structure and 
supports all the columns. They are used where the soil mass contains compressible lenses 
so that the differential settlement would be difficult to control. Raft foundation is also 
used to reduce the settlement above highly compressible soils by making the weight of 
the structure and raft approximately equal to the weight of the soil excavated. The raft is 
composed of reinforced concrete beam with a relatively thin slab underneath.

These foundations carry loads from a structure through weak incompressible soils or fills 
on to the stronger and less compressible soils or rocks at depth. These foundations are in 
general used as basements, buoyancy rafts, caissons, cylinders, shaft and piles 

1. Basements. They are constructed in place in an open excavations. They are hollow 
substructures designed to provide working space below ground level. 

2. Buoyancy Rafts. They are hollow substructures designed to provide a buoyant 
substructure beneath which reduce net loadings on the soil to the desired low density. 

3.Caissons. They are hollow s8ubstructures designed to be constructed on or near the 
surface and then sunk as single units to their required level. 

4.Cylinders. They are single small cell caissons.

5.Shaft Foundations. They are constructed within deep excavation supported by lining 
constructed in place and subsequently filled with concrete. 
6.Pile Foundations. The pile foundation is a construction supported on piles. A pile is an 
element of construction composed of timber, concrete or steel or a combination of them. 
The piles may be placed separately or they may be placed in form of a cluster throughout 
the structure.
Classification of piles:
1. Classification based on function: Bearing Pile, Friction Pile, Screw Pile, compaction 
Pile, Uplift Pile, Batter Pile and Sheet Pile
2. Classification based on materials and composition: Cement concrete piles, Timber 
piles, Steel piles, Sand Piles, and Composite piles.
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Constituents of good brick earth:

   Bricks are the most commonly used construction material. Bricks are prepared by moulding 
clay in rectangular blocks of uniform size and then drying and burning these blocks. In order 
to get a good quality brick, the brick earth should contain the following constituents. 
o Silica
o Alumina
o Lime
o Iron oxide 
o Magnesia
o Brick earth should contain about 50 to % of silica. 
o It is responsible for preventing cracking, shrinking and warping of raw bricks. 
o It also affects the durability of bricks. 
o If present in excess, then it destroys the cohesion between particles and the brick 
becomes brittle.
o Good brick earth should contain about 20% to 30% of alumina. 
o It is responsible for plasticity characteristic of earth, which is important in moulding 
o If present in excess, then the raw brick shrink and warp during drying. 
o The percentage of lime should be in the range of 5% to 10% in a good brick earth. 
o It prevents shrinkage of bricks on drying. 
o It causes silica in clay to melt on burning and thus helps to bind it. 
o Excess of lime causes the brick to melt and brick looses its shape. 
Iron oxide 
o A good brick earth should contain about 5% to 7% of iron oxide. 
o It gives red colour to the bricks. 
o It improves impermeability and durability.
o It gives strength and hardness. 
o If present in excess, then the colour of brick becomes dark blue or blakish. 
o If the quantity of iron oxide is comparatively less, the brick becomes yellowish in 
o Good brick earth should contain less a small quantity of magnesia about1%)
o Magnesium in brick earth imparts yellow tint to the brick.
o It is responsible for reducing shrinkage
o Excess of magnesia leads to the decay of bricks.
Harmful Ingredients in Brick:
Below mentioned are some of the ingredients which are undesired in brick earth. 
o A small quantity of lime is required in brick earth. But if present in excess, it causes
the brick to melt and hence brick looses its shape.
o If lime is present in the form of lumps, then it is converted into quick lime after
burning. This quick lime slakes and expands in presence of moisture, causing splitting
of bricks into pieces.
Iron pyrites
o The presence of iron pyrites in brick earth causes the brick to get crystallized and
disintegrated during burning, because of the oxidation of the iron pyrits.
o Pyrites discolourise the bricks.
o These are exist in the brick earth in the form of soda and potash. It acts as a flux in the
kiln during burning and it causes bricks to fuse, twist and warp. Because of this,
bricks are melted and they loose their shape.
o The alkalis remaining in bricks will absorb moisture from the atmosphere, when
bricks are used in masonry. With the passage of time, the moisture gets evaporated
leaving grey or white deposits on the wall surface (known asefflorescence). This
white patch affects the appearance of the building structure.

o Pebbles in brick earth create problem during mixing operation of earth. It prevents
uniform and through mixing of clay, which results in weak and porous bricks
o Bricks containing pebbles will not break into shapes as per requirements.
Vegetation and Organic Matter 
o The presence of vegetation and organic matter in brick earth assists in burning. But if
such matter is not completely burnt, the bricks become porous. This is due to the fact
that the gasses will be evolved during the burning of the carbonaceous matter and it
will result in the formation of small pores.
Efflorescence in BrickStone in Brick
Manufacturing of bricks
In the process of manufacturing bricks, the following distinct operations are involved. 
• Preparation of clay
• Moulding 
• Drying 
• Burning 
Each of the above operation of the manufacturing bricks will now be studied at length. 
Preparation of clay 
The clay for brick is prepared in the following order.
• Unsoiling 
• Digging
• Cleaning 
• Weathering
• Blending 
• Tempering
Unsoiling: The top layer of the soil, about 200mm in depth, is taken out and thrown away. 
The clay in top soil is full of impurities and hence it is to be rejected for the purpose of 
preparing bricks. 
Digging: The clay is then dug out from the ground. It is spread on the levelled ground, just a 
little deeper than the general level. The height of heaps of clay is about 600mm to 1200mm. 
Cleaning: The clay as obtained in the process of digging should be cleaned of stones, 
pebbles, vegetable matters. If these particles are in excess, the clay is to be washed and 
screened. Such a process naturally will prove to be troublesome and expensive.
Weathering: The clay is then exposed to atmosphere for softening and mellowing. The period 
varies from few weeks to full season.
Blending: The clay is made loose and any ingredient to be added to it , is spread out at its top. 
The blending indicates intimate or harmonious mixing. It is carried out by taking a small 
amount of clay every time and turning it up and down in vertical direction. The blending 
makes clay fit for the next stage of tempering.
Tempering: In the process of tempering, the clay is brought to a proper degree of hardness 
and it is made fit for the next operation of moulding .Kneaded or pressed under the feet of 
man or cattle .The tempering should be done exhaustively to obtain homogeneous mass of 
clay of uniform character.For manufacturing good bricks on a large scale, tempering is done 
in pug mill.A typical pug mill capable of tempering sufficient earth for a daily output of 
about 15000 to20000 bricks. 
A pug mill consists of a conical iron tub with cover at its top .It is fixed on a timber base 
which is made by fixing two wooden planks at right angle to each other. The bottom of tub is 
covered except for the hole to take out pugged earth. The diameter of pug mill at bottom is 
about 800mm and that at top is about 1 m.The provision is made in top cover to place clay 
inside pug mill .A vertical shaft with horizontal arms is provided at center of iron tub.The 
small wedge-shaped knives of steel are fixed at arms.The long arms are fixed at vertical shaft 
to attach a pair of bullocks .The ramp is provided to collect the pugged clay .The height of 
pug mill is about 2m. Its depth below ground is 600m to800mm lessen the rise of the barrow 
run and to throw out the tempered clay conveniently.In the beginning, the hole for pugged 
clay is closed and clay with water is placed in pug mill from the top. When vertical shaft is 
rotated by a pair of bullock, the clay is thoroughly mixed up by the action of horizontal arms 
and knives and homogeneous mass is formed. 
The rotation of vertical shaft can also be achieved by using steam, diesel or electrical 
power.When clay has been sufficiently pugged, the hole at the bottom of the tub, is opened 
out and pugged earth is taken out from the ramp by barrow i.e. a small cart with wheels for 
next operation of moulding.The pug mill is then kept moving and feeding of clay from top 
and taking out of pugged clay from bottom are done simultaneously.If tempering is properly 
carried out, the good brick earth can then be rolled without breaking in small threads of 3mm 
The clay which is prepared as above is then sent for the text operation of moulding.Following 
are two types of moulding: 
i. Hand Moulding 
ii. Machine Moulding 
Hand moulding:
In hand moulding , the bricks are moulded by hand i.e.; manually. It is adopted where 
manpower is cheap and is readily available for the manufacturing process of bricks ona small 
scale.The moulds are rectangular boxes which are open at top and bottom.They may be of 
wood or steel.It should be beprepared from well-seasonedwood. The longer sides are kept 
slightly projecting to serve as handles. The strips of brass or steel are sometimes fixed on the 
edges of wooden moulds to make them more durable.It is prepared from the combination of 
steel plate and channel. It may even be prepared from steel angles and plates. Thethickness of 
steel mould is 6mm.They is used for manufacturing bricks on alarge scale. The steel moulds 
are more durable than wooden one and turn out bricks of uniform size.The bricks shrink 
during drying and burning .Hence the mouldsare therefore made larger than burnt bricks (8-
The bricks prepared by hand moulding are of two types: Ground mouldedand Tablemoulded 
Ground mouldedbricks: The ground is first made level and fine sand is sprinkled over it.The 
mould is dipped in water and placed over the ground. The lump of tempered clay is taken and 
is dashed is the mould.The clay is pressed in the mould in such a way that it fills all the 
corners of mould.The surplus clay is removed by wooden strike or framed with wire. A strike 
is a piece of wood or metal with a sharp edge.It is to be dipped in water every time.The 
mould is then lifted up and raw brick ids left on the ground.The mould is dipped in water and 
it is placed just near the previous brick to prepare another brick.The process is repeated till 
the ground is covered with raw bricks.The lower faces of ground moulded bricks are rough
and it is not possible to place frog on such bricks.A frog is mark of depth about 10mm to 
20mm which is placed on raw brick during moulding.It serves two purposes. 
1.It indicates the trade name of the manufacturer 
2.In brick work, the bricks are laid with frog uppermost. It thus affords a key for mortar when 
the next brick is placed over it.
The ground moulded bricks of better quality and with frogs on their surface are made by 
using a pair of pallet boards and a wooden block. A pallet is a piece of thin wood.The block 
is bigger than the mould and it has projection of about 6mm height on its surface.The
dimensions of projection correspond to internal dimensions of mould.The design of 
impression or frog is made on this block.The wooden block is also known as the moulding 
block or stock board. 
The mould is placed to fit in the projection of wooden block and clay is then dashed inside 
the mould.A pallet is placed on the top and the whole thing is then turn upside down.The 
mould is taken out and placed over the raw brick and it is conveyed to the drying sheds.The 
bricks are placed to stand on their longer sides in drying sheds and pallet boards are brought 
back for using them again.As the bricks are laid on edge, they occupyless space and they dry 
quicker and better. 
Table Moulded Bricks:
i) The process of moulding of bricks is just similar as above.But in this case, the mould 
stands near a table size 2m x 1m. The bricks are moulded on the table and send for 
further process of drying.
ii) However the efficiency of the moulder gradually decreases because of standing at 
some place for a longer duration.The cost of brick is also increases when table moulding 
is adopted. 
Machine Moulding:
This type of moulding is carried out by two processes: 
i) Plastic clay machine 
ii) Dry clay machine 
Plastic Clay Moulding
i) Such machine consists of a rectangular opening having length and width is equal to an 
ordinary bricks. The pugged clay is placed in the machine and it comes out through the 
rectangular opening.
ii) These are cut into strips by the wire fixed at the frame. The arrangement is made in such a 
way that the strips thickness is equal to that of the bricks are obtained. So it is also called as 
Dry Clay Machinemoulding:
In these machines, the strong clay is finally converted in to powered form.A small quantity of 
water is then added to form a stiff plastic paste.
ii) Such paste is placed in mould and pressed by machine to form dry and well-shaped bricks. 
They do not require the process of drying. 
The damp bricks, if brunt,are likely to be cracked and distorted.Hence the moulded bricks are 
dried before they are taken for the next operation of burning. For the drying the bricks are 
laid longitudinally in the stacks of width equal to two bricks,A stack consists of ten or eight 
tiers.The bricks are laid along and across the stock in alternate layers. All the bricks are 
placed on edges. The bricks are allowed to dry until the bricks are become leather hard of 
moisture content about 2%. 
Bricks are burned at high temperature to gain the strength, durability, density and red color 
appearance.All the water is removed at the temperature of 650 degrees but they are burnt at 
an temperature of about 1100 degrees because the fusing of sand and lime takes place at this 
temperature and chemical bonding takes between these materials after the temperature is 
cooled down resulting in the hard and dense mass. 
Bricks are not burnt above this temperature because it will result in the melting of the bricks
and will result in a distorted shape and a very hard mass when cooled which will not be 
workable while brickwork. Bricks can be burnt using the following methods: 
(a) Clamp Burning
(b) Kiln Burning 
Clamp Burning:
Clamp is a temporary structure generally constructed over the ground with a height of about 4 
to 6 m. It is employed when the demand of the bricks is lower scale and when it is not a 
monsoon season. This is generally trapezoidal in plan whose shorter edge among the parallel 
sides is below the ground and then the surface raising constantly at about 15 degrees to reach 
the other parallel edge over the ground.A vertical brick and mud wall is constructed at the 
lower edge to support the stack of the brick. First layer of fuel is laid as the bottom most layer 
with the coal, wood and other locally available material like cow dung and husk.Another 
layer of about 4 to 5 rows of bricks is laid and then again a fuel layer is laid over it. The 
thickness of the fuel layer goes on with the height of the clamp.
After these alternate layers of the bricks and fuel the top surface is covered with the mud so 
as to preserve the heat.Fire is ignited at the bottom, once fire is started it is kept under fire by 
itself for one or two months and same time period is needed for the cooling of the bricks. 
Disadvantages of Clamp burning:
1. Bricks at the bottom are over-burnt while at the top are under-burnt. 
2. Bricks loose their shape, and reason may be their descending downward once the fuel 
layer is burnt. 
3. This method cannotemploy for the manufacturing of large number of bricks and it is 
costly in terms of fuel because large amount of heat is wasted.
4. It cannot be employed in monsoon season. 
Kiln Burning:
Kiln is a large oven used for the burning of bricks. Generally coal and other locally available 
materials like wood, cow dung etc can be used as fuel. They are of two types: 
• Intermittent Kilns.
• Continuous Kilns.
Intermittent Kilns: these are also the periodic kind of kilns, because in such kilns only one 
process can take place at one time. Various major processes which takes place in the kilns 
are:Loading, unloading, Cooling, and Burning of bricks. 
There are two kind of intermittent kilns: 
(i) Up-draught Intermittent Kilns
(ii) Down draught Intermittent Kilns
Down draught kilns are more efficient because the heat is utilized more by moving the hot 
gases in the larger area of the kiln. In up draught kilns the hot gases are released after they 
rise up to chimney entrance.
Continuous Kilns:
These kilns are called continuous because all the processes of loading, unloading, cooling, 
heating, pre-heating take place simultaneously. They are used when the bricks are demanded 
in larger scale and in short time. Bricks burning are completed in one day, so it is a fast 
method of burning.There are two well-known continuous kilns: 
Bull's Trench Kiln:Bull's trench kiln consists of a rectangular, circular or oval plan shape. 
They are constructed below the ground level by excavating a trench of the required width for 
the given capacity of brick manufacturing.This Trench is divided generally in 12 chambers so 
that 2 numbers of cycles of brick burning can take place at the same time for the larger 
production of the bricks. Or it may happen that one cycle is carried out at one time in all the 
12 chambers by using a single process in the 2-3 chambers at the same time.The structure is 
under-ground so the heat is conserved to a large extent so it is more efficient. Once fire is 
started it constantly travels from one chamber to the other chamber, while other operations 
like loading, unloading, cooling, burning and preheating taking place simultaneously. 
Such kilns are generally constructed to have a manufacturing capacity of about 20,000 bricks 
per day. The drawback of this kiln is that there is not a permanent roof, so it is not easy to 
manufacture the bricks in the monsoon seasons. 
Hoffman's Kiln:The main difference between the Bull's trench kiln and the Hoffman kilns 
1. Hoffman's kiln is an over the ground structure while Bull's Trench Kiln is an 
underground structure. 
2.Hoffman's kiln have a permanent roof while Bull's trench Kiln do not have so it 
former can be used in 12 months a year to manufacture bricks but later is stopped in the 
monsoon season. 
Hoffman's kiln is generally circular in plan, and is constructed over the ground. The whole 
structure is divided into the 12 chambers and the entire processes takes place simultaneously 
like in Bull's trench Kiln.
Classification of Bricks as per common practice: 
Bricks, which are used in construction works, are burnt bricks. They are classified into four 
categories on the basis of its manufacturing and preparation, as given below. 
1. First class bricks
2. Second class bricks
3. Third class bricks 
4. Fourth class bricks 
First Class Bricks: 
These bricks are table moulded and of standard shape and they are burnt in kilns. The surface 
and edges of the bricks are sharp, square, smooth and straight. They comply with all the 
qualities of good bricks. These bricks are used for superior work of permanent nature. 
Second Class Bricks: 
These bricks are ground moulded and they are burnt in kilns. The surface of these bricks is 
somewhat rough and shape is also slightly irregular. These bricks may have hair cracks and 
their edges may not be sharp and uniform. These bricks are commonly used at places where 
brick work is to be provided with a coat of plaster.
Third Class Bricks: 
These bricks are ground moulded and they are burnt in clamps. These bricks are not hard and 
they have rough surfaces with irregular and distorted edges. These bricks give dull sound 
when struck together. They are used for unimportant and temporary structures and at places 
where rainfall is not heavy. 
Fourth Class Bricks: 
These are over burnt bricks with irregular shape and dark colour. These bricks are used as 
aggregate for concrete in foundations, floors, roads etc, because of the fact that the over burnt 
bricks have a compact structure and hence they are sometimes found to be stronger than even 
the first class bricks.
Classification of Bricks as per constituent materials
There are various types of bricks used in masonry. 
• Common Burnt Clay Bricks 
• Sand Lime Bricks (Calcium Silicate Bricks)
• Engineering Bricks 
• Concrete Bricks
• Fly ash Clay Bricks
Common Burnt Clay Bricks 
Common burnt clay bricks are formed by pressing in moulds. Then these bricks are dried and 
fired in a kiln. Common burnt clay bricks are used in general work with no special attractive 
appearances. When these bricks are used in walls, they require plastering or rendering. 
Sand Lime Bricks 
Sand lime bricks are made by mixing sand, fly ash and lime followed by a chemical process 
during wet mixing. The mix is then moulded under pressure forming the brick. These bricks 
can offer advantages over clay bricks such as: their colour appearance is grey instead of the 
regular reddish colour.Their shape is uniform and presents a smoother finish that doesn’t 
require plastering.These bricks offer excellent strength as a load-bearing member.
Engineering Bricks
Engineering bricks are bricks manufactured at extremely high temperatures, forming a dense 
and strong brick, allowing the brick to limit strength and water absorption.Engineering bricks 
offer excellent load bearing capacity damp-proof characteristics and chemical resisting 
Concrete Bricks
Concrete bricks are made from solid concrete. Concrete bricks are usually placed in facades, 
fences, and provide an excellent aesthetic presence. These bricks can be manufactured to 
provide different colours as pigmented during its production. 
Fly Ash Clay Bricks
Fly ash clay bricks are manufactured with clay and fly ash, at about 1,000 degrees C. Some 
studies have shown that these bricks tend to fail poor produce pop-outs, when bricks come 
into contact with moisture and water, causing the bricks to expand. 
Tests on Bricks
To know the quality of bricks following 7 tests can be performed. In these tests some are 
performed in laboratory and the rest are on field.
Compressive strength test
• Water Absorption test
• Efflorescence test
• Hardness test
• Size, Shape and Colour test
• Soundness test 
• Structure test
Compressive strength test: This test is done to know the compressive strength of brick. It is 
also called crushing strength of brick. Generally 5 specimens of bricks are taken to laboratory 
for testing and tested one by one. In this test a brick specimen is put on crushing machine and 
applied pressure till it breaks. The ultimate pressure at which brick is crushed is taken into 
account. All five brick specimens are tested one by one and average result is taken as brick’s 
compressive/crushing strength. 
Water Absorption test: In this test bricks are weighed in dry condition and let them 
immersed in fresh water for 24 hours. After 24 hours of immersion those are taken out from 
water and wipe out with cloth. Then brick is weighed in wet condition. The difference 
between weights is the water absorbed by brick. The percentage of water absorption is then 
calculated.The less water absorbed by brick the greater its quality. Good quality brickdoesn’t 
absorb more than 20% water of its own weight. 
Efflorescence test: The presence of alkalies in bricks is harmful and they form a grey or 
white layer on brick surface by absorbing moisture. To find out the presence of alkalis in 
bricks this test is performed. In this test a brick is immersed in fresh water for 24 hours and 
then it’s taken out from water and allowed to dry in shade.If the whitish layer is not visible on 
surface it proofs that absence of alkalis in brick. If the whitish layer visible about 10% of 
brick surface then the presence of alkalis is in acceptable range. If that is about 50% of 
surface then it is moderate. If the alkalies’ presence is over 50% then the brick is severely 
affected by alkalies. 
Hardness test: In this test a scratch is made on brick surface with a hard thing. If that doesn’t 
left any impression on brick then that is good quality brick. 
Size, shape and colour test: In this test randomly collected 20 bricks are staked along 
lengthwise, width wise and height wise and then those are measured to know the variation of 
sizes as per standard. Bricks are closely viewed to check if its edges are sharp and straight
and uniform in shape. A good quality brick should have bright and uniform colour 
Soundness test: In this test two bricks are held by both hands and struck with one another. If 
the bricks give clear metallic ringing sound and don’t break then those are good quality 

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